Preposition adalah kata yang menunjukkan pertalian antara noun, pronoun dan kata-kata lainnya dalam kalimat. Kata depan (preposition) diletakkan sebelum kata benda untuk menerangkan posisi atau letak dari benda lain yang kita maksudkan.

  • My brother likes to jump into the water.
  • There is a picture on the wall.
  • My book is under the table.
  • Udin lives in Jakarta.
  • Karim threw a stone at the dog.
  • He came here before  them.
  • There is a secret between you and me.


Kata depan dapat dibedakan dari banyaknya suku katanya menjadi dua macam, yaitu:

  • Kata depan yang terdiri dari satu suku kata
-- at : di/pada
-- ahead : ke depan
-- about : sekitar/tentang
-- across : seberang
-- after : sesudah
-- above : di atas
-- around : di sekeliling
-- among : di antara (banyak)
-- away : menjauh
-- against : terhadap
-- back : belakang / kembali
-- behind : di balik
-- before : sebelum
-- below : di bawah
-- round : sekeliling / sekitar
-- since : sejak
-- side : sisi / samping
-- sidewards : ke arah samping
-- to : ke / kepada
-- towards : ke arah
-- till : sampai / hingga
-- through : melalui / lewat
-- up : atas
-- upto : sampai / hingga
-- until : sampai hingga
-- upon : pada
-- upwards : ke arah atas
-- under : di bawah
-- etc.

  • Kata depan yang terdiri dari dua suku kata
-- according to : berdasarkan pada
-- instead of : daripada
-- next to : di sebelah dari
-- through out : melalui
-- etc.


Bound Preposition adalah kata depan yang memiliki hubungan yang erat dengan jenis kata lain yang mendahuluinya. Hubungan tersebut begitu eratnya sehingga seolah kata depan yang dimaksud sudah seperti menjadi bagian dari kata tersebut,  tidak pernah digantikan oleh kata depan yang lain. Jenis kata tersebut adalah: Adjective, Noun dan Verb.
  • Adjective
-- afraid of : takut akan
-- different from : berbeda dengan 
-- angry with : marah pada
-- fond of : gemar akan
-- famous of : tenar akan
-- familiar with : kenal / tak asing lagi dengan
-- interested in : tertarik dengan 
-- full of : penuh dengan
-- similar of : sama dengan
-- etc.
  • Nouns
-- co - operation with : kerja sama dengan
-- in case of : dalam hal/jika
-- on account of : oleh karena
-- in return for : sebagai imbalan dari
-- in accordance to : menurut / sesuai dengan
-- in reply to : sebagai jawaban terhadap
-- in amount of : dalam jumlah besar
-- in reference to : menunjuk kepada
-- on behalf of : atas nama
-- etc.
  • Verbs
-- consist of : terdiri dari
-- depend on / upon : tergantung pada
-- suffer from : menderita dari
-- insist on : mendesak untuk
-- sit down : duduk
-- stand up : berdiri
-- wait for : menunggu
-- leave for : berangkat ke 
-- agree with : setuju dengan
-- agree to : setuju dengan
-- deal with : berhubungan dengan
-- believe in : percaya dengan
-- listen to : mendengarkan pada
-- compare with : membandingkan dengan
-- take away : menyingkirkan 
-- put on : mengenakan
-- turn on : menghidupkan
-- turn on : mematikan
-- laugh at : menertawakan
-- fill up/in : mengisi
-- etc.


Berikut ini akan diberikan contoh-contoh penggunaan preposition (kata depan) dalam berbagai bentuk  dan tujuan. Perhatikan baik-baik maksud dari penggunaan preposition dalam kalimat-kalimat berikut ini:

  • About
-- He told the policeman everything about the accident. (tentang)
-- I'll come about 8 o'clock. (kira-kira)
-- He looked about him. (disekelilingnya)
-- They were tired of walking about the town. (keliling)
-- I left it somewhere about here. (di sekitar)
-- He was tired of walking about the park. (keliling)

  • After
-- The boys played football after school. (sesudah)
-- You come after me. (sesudah)
-- It has rained day after day. (berhari-hari)
-- The dog ran after the cat. (mengejar)
-- My uncle asks after my father. (tentang)
-- Will you look after the birds in the cages, please? (menjaga)
-- The boy was called Ahmad after his father. (seperti)

  • Against
-- Don't do it against your will. (bertentangan)
-- He leaned against the wall. (bersandar pada)
-- Are you for or against the plan? (bertentangan)
-- The rain was beating against the window. (pada)

  • At
-- Place :
  1. He was at home.
  2. They are at Sukabumi.
  3. Put the stamp at the top right corner of the envelope.
  4. There is a shop at the corner of the street.
  5. The picture looks  better at a distance.
-- Time :
  1. The boy goes to school at seven o'clock.
  2. People send cards at Christmast and New Year.
  3. We sang a song at the end of the lesson.
  4. The thief came at midnight.
-- Occupation :
  1. The boy is at work.
  2. We have rice at breakfast.
-- Direction : 
  1. The naughty boy threw a stone at me.
  2. Look at the blackboard.
-- Price : 
  1. He bought them at Rp 5,00 each.
  2. I bought it at Rp 5.000,-.

  • Between
-- Di antara :
  1. I sat between my father and my mother.
  2. I sit between Mira and Sana.
-- Sekitar : 
  1. The accident happened between nine and ten o'clock.
  2. It weighs between ten and fifteen kilograms.
  • Among (diantara [lebih dari dua])
-- The old man sat among his grand-children.

  • For
  1. What can I do for you?
  2. We lived there for two years. (panjang waktunya)
  3. He left for America. (tempat tujuan)
  4. He is punished for stealing. (alasan)
  5. Let us go out for a walk. (tujuan)
  6. S.O.S. stands for "Save our Souls". (singkatan dari)
  7. Walking is good for the health. (sesuai untuk)
  8. Some members are for the plan. (setuju dengan)
  9. For all his wealth, he was unhappy. (meskipun)

  • From
  1. They have gone away from home. (dari [tempat])
  2. I got letter from my friend. (dari [seseorang])
  3. Soap is made from copra. (material)
  4. This soap is quite different from that. (perbedaan)
  5. From time to time he smokes a pipe. (dari saat ke saat)
  6. He suffers from malaria. (sebab)
  7. He stays away from school. (absent)

  • In
-- Posisi/Letak :
  1. He is studying in his room.
  2. Bandung is in Indonesia.
  3. There are many stars in the skies.
-- Kondisi :
  1. He is sitting in the sun.
  2. Don't get out in the rain.
  3. The criminal is in prison.
  4. The beggar is dressed in rags.
  5. Are you in difficulty?
-- Waktu :
  1. in March, in 1960.
  2. in the morning, afternoon, evening.
-- Aktifitas : 
  1. in the army, navy, air force.
  2. to spend one's time in reading.
  3. to write in ink; in pencil.
  4. to believe in God.
  5. in reply to your letter.

  • Of
  1. The bike of my friend is new. (kepemilikan)
  2. Tell him of the accident. (tentang)
  3. three meters of cloth. (ukuran)
  4. to die of hunger. (sebab)
  5. within three miles of the station. (jarak)
  6. Bali is east of Java. (posisi)
  7. The table is made of wood. (terbuat dari)

  • On
-- Posisi/Letak :
  1. The book is on the table.
  2. The picture is on the wall.
-- Waktu :
  1. He came on Sunday.
  2. He will come on Friday.
-- Perihal : 
  1. He gave a lecture on literature.
  2. I congratulated him on his success.
-- Arah : 
  1. The army marched on the enemy's capital.
  2. Mary is on her way here.
-- Dekat: 
  1. There was a house on the river.
  2. The shop is in your right hand.

  • To
  1. Is this the road to the zoo? (Arah)
  2. It is five minutes to six. (Sebelum)
  3. Count from one to fifteen. (Sebanyak)
  4. Give the knife to me. (Object tidak langsung)
  5. The chances are ten to one. (Perbandingan)
  6. I like to meet him face to face. (Berhadapan)
  7. To my surprise he came to the party, although he was not quite well.

  • With
  1. He cut the stick with a knife. (menggunakan)
  2. I played badminton with him. (dengan)
  3. Who is the gentleman with grey hair. (kepemilikan)
  4. Leave the child with her sister. (dirawat oleh)
  5. He greeted his friend with smiles. (dengan cara)
  6. He had a quarrel with his friend. (oposisi)
  7. She trembled with fear. (karena)
  8. I'm with you in what you say. (persetujuan)
Sekian penjelasan mengenai preposition (kata depan) dan contoh penggunaannya dalam kalimat. Semoga bermanfaat.

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