Conjunction adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan antar kata, antar frasa, antara kata dan frasa, antar klausa (clause) dan antar kalimat (sentence).
kata sambung (conjunction). |
--Antar kata (word).
- She and I had dinner in cafe last night.
--Antar frasa (phrase).
- Your sister and his sister are my friends.
--Antar kata (word) dan frasa (phrase).
- I and my father will go to Borneo tomorrow.
--Antar klausa (clause).
- She came here after she finished her duty in her house.
--Antar kalimat (sentence).
- Jasmine drinks a glass of milk and Simon drinks a cup of coffee.
Compound conjunction adalah kata sambung yang menghubungkan struktur yang setara.
- Coordinative Conjunction
Kata sambung yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan sesuatu yang setara secara gramatikal, diantaranya yaitu "For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So" biasa disingkat FAN BOYS.
- She remained silent, for her heart was heavy and her spirit was low.
- He plays squash and rugby.
- She nor he likes you.
- We enjoyed our vacation a lot, but it was expensive.
- You should eat more, or you will make yourself ill.
- Mellisa was not doing well in her physics course, yet overall she had a B average.
- My knee started hurting, so I stopped running.
- Correlative Conjuction
Kata sambung yang terdiri dari kata-kata yang berkorelasi/berpasangan, diantarnya yaitu:
--Both.... And.... = Keduanya... dan... / baik... maupun... (untuk 2 hal yang tercapai).
e.g.: Both Mike and Jim have red hair.
--Not only... but also... = Tidak hanya... tetapi juga... (untuk 2 hal yang tercapai).
e.g.: Not only Mike but also Jim has red hair.
--Neither... nor... = Baik... maupun... tidak... (untuk 2 hal yang tidak tercapai).
e.g.: Neither Mike nor Jim is reading a novel.
--Either... or... = Jika bukan... berarti... / ... atau... (untuk 1 hal tercapai).
e.g.: Either I or they are eating rice.
Untuk persesuaian (agreement) antara 'subject' dan 'verb' pada correlative conjunction di atas adalah sebagai berikut:
- Both... (Subject 1)... and... (Subject 2) + (Plural Verb).
- Not only... (Subject 1)... but also... (Subject 2) + (Verb [tergantung subject 2]).
- Neither... (Subject 1)... nor... (Subject 2) + (Verb [tergantung subject 2]).
- Either... (Subject 1)... or... (Subject 2) + (Verb [tergantung Subject 2]).
*Note: Ketika conjunction di atas digunakan untuk menyambungkan antar subject, kata kerja yang digunakan untuk 'both... and...' adalah plural verb (kata kerja untuk subject yang jamak); sementara untuk conjunction yang lainnya, verb yang digunakan sesuai dengan subject kedua/terakhir.
Complex conjunction adalah kata sambung yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan 'anak kalimat' (Sub Clause) dengan 'induk kalimat' (Main Clause). Complex conjunction disebut juga Subordinate conjunction. Seperti: who, whom, which, while, that, when, whereas, until, if, whether, although, that, since, once, unless, as, before, after, because, ... etc.
- This is Gabriel, who / whom I told you about.
- She said that she'd collect it for me after work.
- I left early because I wanted to arrive home before dark.
- Before he could reach the door, she quickly closed it.
Sekian penjelasan mengenai kata sambung (conjunction). Semoga dapat menambah pengetahuan gramar kita.