Adverb adalah kata yang menjelaskan: bagaimana caranya, dimana tempatnya, kapan waktunya, berapa kali dan sebagainya, suatu pekerjaan dilakukan atau suatu peristiwa terjadi.
Adverb (Kata Keterangan)


Adverbs dapat menjelaskan atau memberi keterangan terhadap: verbs (kata kerja), adjective, noun phrase, atau adverb yang lain, atau seluruh kalimat. Karena fungsinya yang demikian itu, maka adverbs disebut sebagai modifier (penjelas/pembatas).

--Adverbs as modifier a verb.
  • The boy threw the ball quickly.
  • She opened the door quietly.
  • They speak English fluently.
  • He drives a car carefully.
--Adverb as modifier (intensifier) of an adjective.
  • The very small boy threw the ball quickly.
  • He is an extremely pleasant person.
  • It was an interestingly designed museum.
  • He was a highly motivated young man.
--Adverb as modifier of other adverbs.
  • The small boy threw the ball very quickly.
  • My sister plays the piano very well.
  • He drives a car very carefully.
  • She spoke extremely quickly.
  • I expect them pretty soon.
--Adverb as modifier noun phrases.
  • He had quite a party.
  • They were quite some players.
  • It was rather a mess.
  • He is such a fool.
  • She had a bit of a shock.
--Adverbs as modifier of an entire sentence.
  • Fortunately, the boy threw the ball quickly.
  • Yesterday, we submitted the report to the committee.
  • Obviously, they will not finished on time.
  • Nearly everybody came to our party.
  • Virtually, all the students participated in the discussion.

Baca juga: Penjelasan conjunction lengkap.


Dalam bahasa Inggris ada banyak jenis adverbs, akan tetapi dalam bagian ini hanya akan diuraikan 8 macam adverb yang sangat penting fungsinya dalam kalimat, yaitu:
  • Adverb of Manner.
  • Adverb of Place and Direction.
  • Adverb of Time.
  • Adverb of Degree.
  • Adverb of Frequency.
  • Adveb of Vocative.
  • Adverb of Negation.
  • Adverb of Intensifier/Emphasis.
ADVERB OF MANNER adalah kata keterangan yang menyatakan bagaimana caranya suatu pekerjaan dilakukan atau suatu peristiwa terjadi.
  • He runs quickly.
  • Zulia sings sweetly.
  • She is typing neatly.
  • Ridwan speaks English fluently.

ADVERB OF PLACE AND DIRECTION adalah kata keterangan yang menjelaskan tempat terjadinya tindakan atau peristiwa.

  • She'll come here again.
  • They will go abroad.
  • I can't find any glasses anywhere.
  • They walked down.

ADVERB OF TIME adalah kata keterangan yang menyatakan waktu terjadinya suatu pekerjaan atau peristiwa. Ada dua macam keterangan waktu:
  • Definite Time (tertentu). Misalnya: yesterday, now, saturday night, today, tomorrow, ... etc.
  • Indefinite Time (tak tentu). Misalnya: recently, soon, already, just, still, nowadays, next, ... etc.

  1. I am studying English now. (definite time)
  2. She arrived here yesterday. (definite time)
  3. Umar has just finished working. (indefitine time)
  4. She will come here soon. (indefinite time)

ADVERB OF DEGREE adalah keterangan yang menjelaskan tingkat, derajat atau seberapa jauh sesuatu hal itu. Ada dua macam Adverb of Degree, yaitu:

  • Yang menunjukkan how much berkenaan dengan Adjective atau Adverb. Misalnya: very, too, rather, somewhat, extremely, fairly, exceedingly, quite, etc.

  1. She became quite angry with me.
  2. He always walks rather quickly.
  3. This coffee is very hot.
  • Yang menunjukkan how complete (seberapa sempurna). Misalnya: almost, nearly, partially,wholly, utterly, practically, entirely, ... etc.

Yang berkenaan dengan Verbs.
  1. He has almost finished working.
  2. He has now partially recovered from his illness.
  3. She completely misunderstood her husband's remark.
Tingkat kesempurnaan yang berkenaan dengan Adjective.
  1. They are practically ready to begin the show.
  2. The man were utterly exhausted.
  3. Nearly every woman loves a bargain.

ADVERB OF FREQUENCY adalah kata keterangan yang menyatakan frekuensi-frekuensi sering-tidaknya- suatu peristiwa dilakukan atau peristiwa terjadi. Misalnya: usually, always, often, sometimes, rarely, scarcely, hardly ever, never, ... etc.

  1. She sometimes comes late.
  2. He always wakes up early.
  3. We often study in the night.

ADVERB OF VOCATIVE adalah kata keterangan yang digunakan untuk menunjuk langsung.

  1. You, come here!
  2. Everybody, help me, please!
  3. John, come here! / Come here, John!

ADVERB OF NEGATION adalah kata keterangan yang digunakan untuk menyangkal. Misalnya: no, not, never, ... etc.

  1. She does not look at us.
  2. No, I don't.
  3. Never do I do it.

ADVERB OF INTENSIFIER/EMPHASIS adalah kata keterangan yang berfungsi sebagai penegas sesuatu yang dijelaskan. Misalnya: especially, exactly, only, just, do, does, did, myself, ... etc.

  1. I just want to help my sister.
  2. Only you come here.
  3. I myself bought this car.
  4. I do love you.


Penempatan kata keterangan dalam suatu kalimat pada umumnya menggunakan pola sebagai berikut:
  • Dalam keadaaan biasa, kata keterangan disusun dalam urutan Adverb of Place of Direction, Adverb of Frequency, Adverb of Time.
  1. I have been to London several time this year.
  2. He walked round the park twice before supper.
  3. She gave lectures at the college three days a week last year.
  • Dalam keadaan biasa, kata keterangan disusun dalam urutan Adverb of Manner, Place, and Time.
  1. Arifah studes seriously at school everyday.
  2. Ali ate food greedily at home this morning.
  3. My elder brother worked hard at the office yesterday.

  • Adverb of Frequency menempati posisi setelah kata kerja bantu (auxilary verb/modal), bila dalam kalimat ada kata kerja bantu-nya.
  1. I have almost finished working.
  2. They didn't even try to help.
  3. She has just finished breakfast.
  4. His post has already come.
  • Bila terdapat 'verb of movement' atau kata kerja yang menunjukkan gerak/perpindahan, maka di belakangnya langsung diikuti 'adverb of place' yang seolah-olah berfungsi sebagai obyek tujuan. Kata kerja tersebut misalnya: go, move, visit, come, run, walk, jump, travel, dan lain sebagainya.
  1. We will go to Bali by plane.
  2. She drives her car slowly to the village.
  3. The finally arrived home after spending the whole night on the road. etc.
Sekian penjelasan mengenai kata keterangan (adverb). Semoga bermanfaat. 

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